Top 10 People With Superpowers They Gained After Bad Accidents

The Incredible Hulk received his superpowers after accidentally blasting himself with gamma radiation Wolverines powers were the result of a genetic mutation however if you think superpowers are the stuff of comic book fiction you'd be wrong bangs to the head illnesses and other unfortunate events have caused real people to be able to do things they couldn't do before superhuman things the average person can't do let's investigate here's our top ten people who gained superpowers after terrible accidents 

Top 10 People With Superpowers They Gained After Bad Accidents

Number 10 
Nikolay really a chink Oh our first superhero story takes us to the arms core region of Russia in 2014 12 year-old Nicholas ray ugly a chinko was walking home from school when he decided to stop and lean against a lamppost unfortunately the lamppost had some faulty wiring young Nikolai received an electric shock and was blasted across the pavement the next day Nikolai found that mental objects were sticking to him he dropped his spoon while he was eating and it's stuck to his chest he could stick coins and cutlery to his face what's more by using the power of his mind he could give his friends the same powers had Nikolai really gained superpowers when he was electrocuted by the lamppost was he a real-life version of Magneto from x-men scientists are skeptical saying that electrocution can't lead to people becoming magnetic they suggested he may have eaten something that had made him magnetic or that he has smooth and sweaty skin that objects can stick to or maybe he just covered himself in glue as for Nikolai he wants to put his skills to good use and be a superhero when he's older 

Number 9 
Daniel two met at the age of three an English boy named Daniel had an epileptic fit this seizure apparently gave Daniel superhuman powers of memory and an extraordinary ability with Numbers as he grew up Daniel discovered he could do complex mathematical sums in his head wowing his family and friends Daniel's powers grew even stronger in his 20s he started to complete in memory competitions he could recite PI to 22,500 14 decimal places in a little over five hours he learned the Icelandic language in a week as a challenge on a TV show at the age of 25 Daniel was diagnosed with autistic savant syndrome which affects around 10% of the autistic population what makes Daniel different is that he can explain how it works since his seizure Daniel could see Numbers as shapes colors and textures for example five is a clap of thunder when Daniel multiplies two Numbers together two shapes merge creating a third shape he explained this in a TED talk in 2011 it's mental imagery maths without having to think 

Number 8
Jon Sarkin when he was 35 New Jersey chiropractor Jon Sarkin developed ringing in his ears which required brain surgery to fix unfortunately he then suffered a stroke and part of his brain had to be removed almost as soon as he left the hospital John became obsessed with drawing he would doodle draw and paint every waking hour despite never showing any interest or flair for art before when John returned to work he soon discovered that twisting spines wasn't for him anymore wondering if his new passion can make him any money he sent some ghostly pictures off to The New Yorker magazine to his delight the magazine bought them he's been a professional artist ever since his painting self from upwards of ten thousand dollars and Tom Cruise's movie production company bought the rights to his life story did his stroke and brain surgery removed the part of the brain and give him superhuman painting powers experts are baffled as it's so rare we'll have to wait for the movie to tell us 

Number 7
thai now in 1976 a 34 year old Vietnamese farmer called tiny elk was struck down by fever luckily he recovered but with an extra added superpower ty discovered he didn't feel like sleeping at night anymore in fact he hasn't been asleep since various scientists have visited ty at his home in Quang Nam Province to check he's telling the truth and to find out why he can't sleep anymore they've all agreed ty isn't making it up but as for the reason they have no idea they perform tests on ty to check his alertness and he passed them all his extra hours of waking time allowed tide to get a second job which helped him out money-wise but according to ty being awake all the time isn't much fun I feel like a plant without water he said in October 2006 30 years after his last sleep my wish now is to have a nap and Here I am feeling like I need a sleep after just waking up from one 

Number 6
Jason Padgett Jason Padgett was leaving on karaoke bar in Tacoma Washington in 2002 when he was brutally mugged and punched in the head the hospital treated him for concussion sending him home that night when he woke up the next morning 31 year old Jason realized he could see geometric shapes everywhere he went everything he could see was made up of fractals for the next three years he barely left the house suffering from depression eventually Jason began to try to draw the shapes that were in his head he produced drawings like this and this totally by hand he also enrolled in college to study mathematics doctors diagnosed Jason with acquired savant syndrome but were at a loss to explain his new superpower some believe the blow to his head destroyed the part of his brain that deals with object boundary formation MRI scans saw increased activity in the left parietal lobe where the brain does mathematical calculations this part of the brain is making up for the other part that was damaged one thing is true fractal man doesn't do karaoke anymore 

Number 5
the music meant a common superpower that develops after an accident is immediately becoming a musical genius Lachlan Connors was more into sports than music until repeated concussions while playing lacrosse led him to quitting contact sports his injuries had led to epilepsy he was having regular seizures however Lockland seizures led to a sudden interest in music very quickly he taught himself how to play 13 instruments including piano guitar and harmonica - an exceptional standard likewise Derek Amato his music super powers came when he accidentally dived headfirst into the shallow end of a pole he received a massive concussion and a 35% loss of hearing however he could also suddenly play piano to a high standard explaining that he could suddenly see black and white squares in his head telling him what notes to play he also taught himself to play seven other instruments finally Toni Sakura his powers were given to him when he was struck by lightning while at a payphone talking to his mother he technically died but was revived while he was recovering he was overcome by an urge to play the piano something he had never done before immediately he started playing like a master playing along to the sounds in his head he named his first piece the Lightning sonata 

Number 4 
Daniel Kish before he was a year old Daniel Kish had to have both of his eyes removed he was born with an aggressive form of retinal cancer called retinoblastoma almost straightaway he developed a way of navigating around his environment he made a clicking noise with his tongue and by listening to how the echoes of the click bounced off the surface he could determine his way around Daniel could even tell what was in his way by listening to the sound of the echo cars have a metallic echo trees a hard echo Daniel was so adept at this technique he eventually was able to ride a bike without stabilizers and travel the world without assistance the technique is called echolocation and is the same method that enables bats to fly in the dark it's no surprise Daniel's friends call him Batman Ben Underwood was another pioneer of this technique achieving fame through the TV show 20/20 medical mysteries he was able to ride a bike play basketball and rollerblade using echolocation Ben sadly died at the age of 16 in 2009 

Number 3 
Franco Magnani Franco magnani was a cook and a woodworker who emigrated from Italy to San Francisco in the 1960s soon after arriving he came down with a fever that made him delirious and caused him to have seizures while recovering Franco began to have extremely vivid dreams about his childhood home in Ponte toh Italy even though he hadn't been to ponte dough in 30 years these dreams were so real he could recall everything in exact detail It was as if memories that were buried in his brain had been rediscovered also despite never picking up a paintbrush in his life Franco was overcome with the urge to paint these memories of ponte dough he painted these scenes from memory which as you can see are identical to the corresponding seen in pandita the photo is on the left the painting is on the right Franco became obsessed with painting and his work ended up being displayed in galleries around the world doctors can't explain how Franco became the memory painting man but it have been temporal lobe epilepsy known to create obsessive personalities 

Number 2 
Orlando Serrell on August 17th 1979 ten-year-old Orlando Serrell was playing baseball with his friends when he hit on the side of the head with a ball he carried on playing not thinking much of it but suffered from recurring headaches for days afterwards once the headaches subsided Orlando found that he could remember what day of the week any date fell on so if you asked him what day of the week was Christmas Eve in 1977 Orlando can tell you straight away it was a Saturday he had gained a superpower known as calendar calculation he didn't memorize calendars or develop a system to work out the days he just knew for most days he could also tell you what the weather was like and what he did that day aside from his impressive yet pointless superpower Orlando is in his own words a pretty average guy 

Number 1
Ken Walters in 1986 Ken Walters from Lancashire in England was in an accident involving a forklift truck breaking his back soon after that he suffered two heart attacks in 2005 he had a stroke while recovering in the hospital Ken try to write a letter to his nurse but instead found himself doodling on the paper he'd never doodles before he'd never been into drawing at all it seemed that Ken's doodles were very good he had a talent for art doctors said this is a result of the stroke that his brain had rewired itself to avoid the areas affected by the stroke and that it would be temporary however they persisted and Ken carried on doodling this time on a computer can begin creating digital art in the popular virtual world Second Life people started buying this art from virtual galleries and Ken's pictures through the attention of EA Games who hired can to draw monsters for their games so far the duelers talent has not subsided do you believe any of these events have you gained any superpowers and curious ways I'd be interested to know let me know down below also if you enjoyed this

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